We ran a poll over the last couple of weeks to discover how you sleep! The results are in and they’ve shown that stomach is the most common sleeping position at 50% closely followed by the right side at 26.9%. But which sleep position is the most beneficial to your health and overall rest?
We’ve done a ranking below from most beneficial to your health, to the least. Let’s see where you fit on the scale!
- On Your Back
Though it’s not the most popular position, only 3.8% of poll participants identified as back sleepers, this is the healthiest option for most people. Sleeping on your back allows your head, neck, and spine to rest in a neutral position which means that there’s reduced pressure on these areas and you’re less likely to experience pain while you snooze.
- On Your Side
This position, where your torso and legs are relatively straight, also helps decrease acid reflux, and since your spine is elongated, it wards off back and neck pain. You’re also less likely to snore in this snooze posture, because it keeps airways open.
- In the Fetal Position
A loose, fetal position, where you’re on your side and your torso is hunched and your knees are bent—especially on your left side—is great if you’re pregnant. That’s because it improves circulation in your body and in turn, the fetus. This pose is also good for snorers, so sleep in the fetal position if you want to keep those pesky zZzZ’s away!
- On Your Stomach
While this is good for easing snoring, it’s not great for practically everything else. Sleeping on your stomach can lead to back and neck pain, since it’s hard to keep your spine in a neutral position. If you must sleep on your stomach it’s recommended you try lying facedown to keep upper airways open. Instead of with your head turned to one side try having your your forehead propped up on a pillow to allow room to breathe.