The Six Essential Features of Premium Sleep
What should you look for when investing in a mattress? As bedmakers with over 120 years’ experience, we believe it comes down to these essentials, which create the ideal conditions for healthy, restorative sleep. What we at A.H. Beard call Premium Sleep.
Look for these before you invest in a mattress.
Start your journey to sleep wellness
Discover information, inspiration and motivation
Advice and resources for achieving Premium Sleep
The Journey of Premium Sleep
Understand what happens to our brains and bodies during the deepest, most rejuvenating sleep of all.
“Sleep directly impacts how we look, feel and perform and can have a major impact on our overall quality of life. It is the superpower we need to achieve our goals and ultimately live our best life.”
This is by far the best mattress I have ever slept on. It was recommended to me by my sister as sleeping on this bed really helped with her back pain. And I can say that it has helped me immensely with my back issues. It is very comfortable and supportive.
Highly recommend this mattress
Multiple purchases have been made, for both family and our rental property. A good night’s sleep is such a basic requirement for health and happiness. A good quality mattress is the foundation.
We will continue to be proud to buy Australian. Well made and THE BEST.
The last bed we had for 12 years – a queen size A.H. Beard was great so we upgraded to a king size and are very happy with the Grand Harmony plush – great that they are made in Australia.
sleep isn’t far away